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The tourelle of Tamarin

  • 07/17/17

The Tourelle of Tamarin

Its soft and wooded green profile is another of Tamarin’s insignia. This 552m high mountain is the ideal trekking spot for fans as its trails are only mildly difficult. (The area is on private land, the owners must, therefore, be asked for access and they never refuse). Equipped with water and a good pair of shoes, set out early for this 2-hour-long journey in the midst of the private plot of land known as Bélougué. You follow a wooded path before crossing an underwood in which you cross fences by climbing over picturesque wooden ladders. The path is fairly steep for the first half an hour, ensuring you get some good exercise. It is well worth the effort once you start seeing Tamarin unfold. From there you can see the entire bay, from the mythic surf spot, Dale, to the hotels located in Wolmar. You get to admire the river meandering through the foliage before it reaches the sea. You then continue to climb up the mountain slope, between steep rocks and slightly less dense vegetation. After a last bit of effort, you finally reach the summit and its breathtaking panoramic view of the West Coast up until Le Morne, the inland regions, and on the other side, the impressive Black River Gorges and the National Park. A tropicbird flashes white against the clear blue sky, you can feel a slight breeze tickling the back of your neck: enjoy the moment.